How Many Times Have England Qualified To Play In The Football World Cup Finals?


1 Answers

Matt Cashen Profile
Matt Cashen answered
England have qualified to play in twelve of the eighteen world cup fianls. They first qualified to paly in the nineteen fifty finals held in Brazil.

They qualified again in fifty four when the finals were held in Switzerland, fifty eight in Sweden, sixty two in Chile; most famously in sixty six when they qualified by default as the hosts, a tournament they eventually went on to win beating West Germany four two in the final.

They qualified again for Mexico ninteen seventy, but then failed to qualify for the next two wrold cups, not reappearing in the finals until ninteen eighty two in Spain. They qualified again for Mexico eighty six, for Italia ninety, but failed to qualify for the ninety four tournament in the USA.

They have however, managed to qualify for the last three tournaments, first in France ninety eight, again in Japan and South Korea for the two thousand and two tournamentand finally for the two thousand and six finals in Germany,

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