
How To Get Unbanned From Kinz Chat Plus?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Same for me, getting banned for nothing. If you get banned forever then just call ganz and they will help you, but if your banned for a week or a couple days just deal with it and wait until they let you back into chat plus.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hmm how do you get unbanned from webkinz, well there are two different ways the first one is tell webkinz why you didn't do anything wrong. Second is make another account lol look on ebay for really cheap ones lol hope this works!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I got banned for no reason and I just asked to be unbanned and I was!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well  go on my "shared account" some times, but really you should not do it
do not say your school! I got banned from it.
How do you ask them not to bann you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Call ganz say you did nothing wrong. Ask them again and again. Be sure to say please
zack small Profile
zack small answered
I have 7 day ban for something someone was saying to me soo I satayed in a trade and he started saying I love you or you excite me it really made me sacred but he had an item I wanted so can you really blame me?

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