Joy G
Joy G answered question
Witches indeed are real, and have real powers that come from the devil. They have evil spirits that work for them and with them. They are a real deal, and very dangerous. Both white witches and black witches' power comes from the devil. They worship the devil and they do have power- real power. They … Read more
Joy G
Joy G answered
Here's one to get the crowd pumped and the team. Hey, Hey Hey hey are you ready?(clap, clap) Are you ready?(clap,clap) To play(clap) Say go team(clap) Go team(clap) Panthers all the way!
Joy G
Joy G answered question
Pit bulls along with any other breed can be the friend list dog, but they also like any other breed can be very vicious and hostile. My father is a police officer and the only breed of dog he has gotten attacked and bitten by while on duty was a golden retriever- which are commonly … Read more
Joy G
Joy G answered
For piano they are: ( I'm sure they would work with any instrument though) D, G(high), D, G (low) D, G(high), D. D, G(high), D, B(High), (rest) (quickly- (high) A, G, F#, E, E(flat). D, G(high), D, G (low), G(low), D, G (high), D. E-G (together) E, D, C, B, A(low), G(low) --Hope this answers … Read more