Bestof Life
Bestof Life answered Anonymous' question

How we say things is often more important that what we say.

i just had a near disaster at work as one account influence another account with verbiage that was less that desirable.

After I spoke with them both an entirely different outcome was experienced on both ends.

Considering the person's ability to hear a certain way … Read more

Bestof Life
Bestof Life answered Darling Divaa's question


People not turning when the light is green cause they are still looking left and NO cars have come in 30 seconds!

Wait... at airports.. People feel the need to push up against the baggage claim belts as if they need to squeeze in for a spot. IF everyone would take 10 steps back THEN we … Read more

Bestof Life
Bestof Life voted up DDX Project's answer

"The Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Most important book I've ever read. Changed my whole perception on the world and of myself.

"Meditations" - Marcus Aurelius (Yes, the Roman Emperor)

Who better to learn from than an actual emperor? "It is not death that man should fear, … Read more

Bestof Life
Bestof Life answered Anonymous' question

Since we all have "committed murder" (see Mat 5) dot dot dot.... also the redemption that we all long for can happen.

That said, circs would need to be overcome in other means/measures.

It becomes more difficult when we grant any privileges to even the most redeemed (and there are many) when folks like manson, et … Read more

Bestof Life
Bestof Life voted up Cass' answer
As much as I would like to be thought of as attractive, what I really pride myself on is my intellect. I figure any looks I have at this point are only going to diminish and if someone loves me they understand that and will be attracted to the core of my being opposed to … Read more