Nice Girl
Nice Girl thanked PJ Stein's answer

Getting romantically involved just because you need love never ends well. You need to find away to live yourself first, then share that love with others. I know it is hard to do. Been there, done that. Trust me on this. Once you get right with yourself, everything else falls on line. You will not … Read more

Nice Girl
Nice Girl commented on Dances With Wolves' answer
but no matter the uncountable no. of risks, when i feel the utmost desire to be loved, i take whatever risks that lie idk , i guess im too naive, emotional and highly sensitive
Nice Girl
Nice Girl thanked Dances With Wolves' answer

I would only talk to someone romantic if i knew whom they are and i would need to talk for quite sometime with them. I feel that KiK messenger is the safest . It allows one to pick a username and we don't always need to give out our real name . I would use … Read more

Nice Girl
Nice Girl commented on Dances With Wolves' answer
honestly you're so right, that is why i literally quit social media cos of the fake people but lately ive been going thro the worst stage of my life and i just needed to relax my mind and some love , so i started to talk to someone online, i didnt take it too deeply … Read more
Nice Girl
Nice Girl thanked Yin And Yang's answer

You can feel however you want but DON'T blame HER for your feelings! Own up to this yourself! It's not her fault she don't want to be more then friends! If she said no to sex and you wanted to would you blame HER? You better not! Go take a cold shower. Write a sad … Read more