Volleyball is great for your health because it is a major ab work-out, and it builds your legs muscles up extremely well!
It's Tightens your biceps and also your four arms and increases upper body strength
your thighs will become tighter from the squats and lunges involved in practices
and it also burns calories
your thighs will become tighter from the squats and lunges involved in practices
and it also burns calories
Gain hand-eye coordination.
Volleyball is a tremendous way to get your daily amount of exercise, and will keep you in the best shape of your life because it's so physical.
It may help you lose weight because your burning off carbs because you exercise a lot and work out!
We all know that volley ball is a form of exercise.. Exercise is good for your health for it increases your energy level and promotes good blood circulation in your body..
Girls suck at volleyball they always bitchin bout they nails breakin and the ball is hard. Little bitches suck it up and suck on this big ass dick
Your ass get big n all the boys go around you