How many games should Tom Brady be suspended for?


1 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

I'm really torn on the suspension deal. He did wrong as well as some other employees of the team, whether they were coaches, owners, ball boys or other team mates. His suspensions effect the entire team, even those that were completely ignorant of the deflations. Is that fair to them? How will it effect the entire season and their paychecks, future team placements for some players? That's my concern, how HIS suspension will effect many others on the team. A solution? I don't know, maybe fine the owners since everyone below them is their responsibility.

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Darling Divaa
Darling Divaa commented
I agree to a point Hippy but i also wonder why none of the officials have been charged with anything. I mean they touch the football more than anyone in the game. If the Patriots had not had issues regarding cheating (spy gate) in the past this wouldn't be such an issue now but that's just my opinion.
Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
That's very true Darling. I think that there are way too many issues that don't seem to be resolved yet, in order to put all of the blame on Brady.
Darling Divaa
Darling Divaa commented
I agree but i don't know how else they (meaning the NFL )can set an example of what will not be tolerated in the game. I don't think the owners carry as much weight as the players do especially the QB in sending that message. It'll be curious to see how Goodell rules on it.

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