
How much energy does dribbling a ball take?


1 Answers

Sara Lewis Profile
Sara Lewis answered

If we measure energy in terms of calories, then dribbling a football for an hour will burn somewhere between 400 and 900 calories.

Okay, that's not a very precise number! But it's difficult to calculate exactly without taking other factors into account...

How much energy you expend doing any activity depends your weight, age, current fitness levels, and the intensity of the activity you are doing. 

So to take dribbling a football as an example, if you are a person of regular weight who does vigorous exercise 4 or 5 times a week, you will extend a lot less exercise playing football for an hour than an overweight 51 year old who has not done any exercise since college!

In short, it's all relative. But if you pitch your own weight, age and the intensity you are dribbling at somewhere between 400 and 900 calories, you can get a rough idea.

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