The quickest, easiest and most accurate way to find out if Goldland SunSplash in Roseville Calif have any discount coupons on at the moment is to contact them directly. Special offers, deals and availability of coupons will change constantly so it is best to call them to find out what is available at the moment. The staff will also be able to tell you where the coupons can be acquired or purchased and what special offers are available. Panda Express and Papa Murpheys Pizza also tend to have coupons so have a look here whenever you can.
You can call Goldland Sunsplash on: (916) 784-1273 or visit them at 1893 Taylor Road, Roseville, CA 95661-3008. They are open Monday to Thursday from 10:00 till 22:00; Friday 10:00-00:00 and Saturday 09:00-00:00. They are closed on a Sunday.
If you buy a seasonal pass for Goldland Sunsplash, it works out being a massive discount throughout the year. The price for a season pass is usually $99.99 but you can buy on online at ‘’ for $79.99. Other special offers are also available on this website such as ‘4 For Fun Lazer Tag’. This is $20 for all four people but can only be purchased online. There is also ‘4 For Fun Golf’ which is $24 and includes a full day of mini golf.
Another good place to look for any kind of coupon for an entertainment park is on the leaflet stands that can be found in supermarkets, fast food outlets, information centres and also in the reception area of other entertainment parks. These leaflet stands are usually situated near the main entrance and not only will they inform you of all the other entertainment parks in the area and what there is to do there but they may also have coupons, codes and other forms of promotional goodies to entice you into their park.
You can call Goldland Sunsplash on: (916) 784-1273 or visit them at 1893 Taylor Road, Roseville, CA 95661-3008. They are open Monday to Thursday from 10:00 till 22:00; Friday 10:00-00:00 and Saturday 09:00-00:00. They are closed on a Sunday.
If you buy a seasonal pass for Goldland Sunsplash, it works out being a massive discount throughout the year. The price for a season pass is usually $99.99 but you can buy on online at ‘’ for $79.99. Other special offers are also available on this website such as ‘4 For Fun Lazer Tag’. This is $20 for all four people but can only be purchased online. There is also ‘4 For Fun Golf’ which is $24 and includes a full day of mini golf.
Another good place to look for any kind of coupon for an entertainment park is on the leaflet stands that can be found in supermarkets, fast food outlets, information centres and also in the reception area of other entertainment parks. These leaflet stands are usually situated near the main entrance and not only will they inform you of all the other entertainment parks in the area and what there is to do there but they may also have coupons, codes and other forms of promotional goodies to entice you into their park.